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By Andrea Peyser
April 18, 2016
I’m only voting for Hillary because she’s not Bernie
I’ve got big plans for Tuesday. On New York’s Primary Day, I intend to walk into my polling place in Brooklyn. And with my left hand firmly holding my nose, I’ll raise the right one — and vote for Hillary.
That’s right. Hillary Clinton. This is not a misprint.
I’ll vote for a former secretary of state who risked spilling government secrets by stubbornly using a home-brew e-mail server. I’ll throw my support behind a power-hungry dame who shamefully told relatives of four people murdered at diplomatic compounds in Benghazi, Libya, that the killers were not terrorists, but ordinary Muslims driven to an uncontrollable rage by a stupid Internet movie that poked fun at the Prophet Mohammed. She knew the slain Americans were sitting ducks for Islamic fanatics, but would not admit that government failure to protect the victims led to the savagery.
I’ll side with a former first lady and senator who poses as a crusader for women, but served as the sexual enabler of her husband, ex-President Bill, working behind the scenes to trash the reputations of ladies who threatened the repeated “bimbo eruptions” swirling around her philandering hub.
But I digress.
The first question that you, the reader, might want to ask me is: 1. Have you lost your ever-loving, cotton-picking, feeble mind?
Also: 2. You’re a Democrat?
The answers are: 1. Most likely. And 2. Yes. I have my reasons.
New York City is home to an overwhelming majority of Democratic voters, and local races often are decided in the Democratic primary.
So in order to have a say about which chucklehead wins a seat, my party affiliation must be Democratic. (Sorry I couldn’t prevent Bill de Blasio from being elected mayor, but I’ve only got one vote to cast.)
The rest is complicated.
I’m a staunch conservative on a host of issues. I favor toughness on crime and believe in smaller government and lower taxes (which I’ve yet to see implemented even by Republicans).
I detest gender politics and victimology. The notion that females earn 79 cents for every dollar earned by men for doing the same work, an article of faith for feminists and the Obama administration, has been debunked as often as the much-repeated nonsense that a “rape epidemic’’ exists on college and university campuses. (More like an epidemic of drunken hookups.) Yet the myths endure.
Black lives matter. Police lives matter, too. The Rev. Al Sharpton and other race-baiters don’t.
But I’m at odds with the Republican establishment on social issues. I tend to list liberal.
I’m pro-choice on abortion. I support same-sex marriage — though I find myself nodding in agreement with North Carolina lawmakers who’ve banned individuals bearing penises who “identify’’ as women from ladies’ locker rooms and bathrooms, infuriating Bruce Springsteen and other elitist members of the celebrity industrial complex.
As for Republicans, I kind of like Donald Trump. Ted “New York Values” Cruz, not so much. The other guy, John Kasich, isn’t a factor. But I believe many Americans, not quite ready to abandon the disastrous policies of President Obama, will conspire to install another Democrat in the White House this time around. My vote must make a difference.
So I’m voting for Hillary for one reason: She’s not Bernie Sanders.
The Vermont senator and self-described “democratic socialist” is waging class warfare against millionaires and billionaires — the folks who pay the lion’s share of taxes (he claims many pay nothing), bring jobs to the masses and engage in philanthropy (Bill Gates, anyone?).
To Bernie, big banks are cancers that must be dismantled. Monster corporations are evil. Free public college tuition for all! Free health care! Yada, yada, yada.
The chicken-in-every-pot promises (if he can deliver) would cost, according to a “left-leaning’’ economist recently quoted in The New York Times, more than $30 trillion! How long before overtaxing the rich turns into ripping off you and me?
The only Jew in the race — and the first non-Christian in history to win a presidential primary or caucus — Bernie, 74, is the only candidate, Democrat or Republican, to bash Israeli forces for protecting the country from Palestinian aggression. If Americans Feel the Bern on Election Day, the Jewish state’s very existence would be threatened.
I believe Hillary Clinton is just too smart to wreck the country.
Good luck in the primary, Hill.
I pray I’m right.