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There's tix and tricks in Hillary's Hamilton giveaway
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By Andrea Peyser
July 4, 2016

There's tix and tricks in Hillary's "Hamilton" giveaway

Call it “Scamilton!”

Hillary Clinton is playing a dirty trick on theater lovers desperate to see the hottest show on Broadway in, well, ever. She’s perpetrating a money-grubbing bait-and-switcheroo on the masses — and it’s brilliant.

As a Democrat, even a lapsed one, I received an e-mail from the Hillary for America campaign inviting me to enter the online “Meet Hillary” sweepstakes, featuring an irresistible prize for each of two winners: a pair of tickets to the perpetually sold-out Tony-winning Broadway show, “Hamilton.”

Contest victors are also promised round-trip plane tickets to New York City and two nights in a hotel. There is a catch.

The lucky ones scoring supposedly free ducats to the hip-hop-heavy musical are to be the play dates of the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. This could be awkward. (Imagine Hillary’s small talk — “Doesn’t dastardly Aaron Burr remind you of Donald Trump?”)

The prospect of winning pits two of my deepest desires against each other. One is seeing “Hamilton” without going broke. The other is my fervent wish to see the Wicked Witch of the West sent packing by voters on Election Day.

But who wouldn’t want to catch the show about Alexander Hamilton, the first US treasury secretary and founder of The Post? I read the contest’s disclaimer: “No purchase, payment, contribution, or signing up to receive texts is necessary to win, and will not improve chances of winning.” So

I entered my e-mail address and ZIP code, said a prayer, and hit my computer’s “send’’ key.

Immediately, I received a message from Hillary for America. “Want to increase your odds?” it read. (Hey — I thought I couldn’t increase my odds!)

“Every donation you make automatically enters you again,” it continued. “Chip in whatever you can.”


The message came again in two e-mails repeating the vow that I could not increase my odds of winning by spending money. Then I was informed that I could increase my odds of winning by spending money.

Huh? Check boxes containing suggested campaign donations were helpfully provided — $3, $50, $250 or any amount I could afford to part with to help Hillary, and other Democrats, get elected.

I wonder how much cash an average wage slave might be willing to “chip in” for a shot at watching Hillary Clinton watch “Hamilton.” I left a message requesting comment at her campaign headquarters, but received no response.

It may be a stretch to equate Hillary’s dishonesty about a theatrical event with other examples of her deceiving Americans, but I see a pattern.

The final report of the congressional committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on US diplomats in Benghazi, Libya, blamed members of the Obama administration for security lapses. But the report essentially gave the then-secretary of state a pass. This, after she misled the public, saying the butchery that claimed four lives was not the work of terrorists, but of ordinary Muslims driven to uncontrollable rage by a stupid Internet video that poked fun at the Prophet Mohammed. She knew better.


She lapped up fees, sometimes topping $300,000 a pop, for speeches she delivered before Wall Street leaders and others who might seek favors. And Hill was caught using an unsecured, home-brew e-mail server as secretary of state, risking the leak of national secrets.

But as with most everything else in her charmed life, I expect Hillary to skate away unscathed from an FBI investigation into her digital lapses — despite hubby Bill’s curious private meeting with US Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Contest rules state only that winners would see “Hamilton” in July. I figure it must be during the July 12 special matinee fund-raiser to be thrown by the Hillary Victory Fund — three days after three show stars, including writer/creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, plan to leave the cast. That day, donors can score crummy places in the Richard Rodgers Theatre for $2,700 apiece — all the way up to $100,000 for “event chair” packages that include two premium seats, access to a wrap party attended by Hillary and “special guests,” and an invitation to the Democratic National Convention.

Too rich for my blood.

I’ll raise a glass to freedom while rapping along to the “Hamilton” CD soundtrack at home.

That’s something a poor zhlub like me can afford.

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