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By Andrea Peyser
September 16, 2016
Questions about Hillary's health have nothing to do with sexism
“Hillary Clinton Isn’t Sick. You Are.”
So reads a mind-blowing headline published in The Daily Beast over a column by feminist journalist, author and TV pundit Eleanor Clift — a piece so out of touch with reality, it could drive one of Clinton’s “deplorables” to lie down in a safe space to escape triggering microaggressions.
Clift dismisses the notion that the Democratic presidential candidate nearly passing out and falling on her face in public Sunday is proof that she may be ill.
Rather, she casts shame on anyone who worries, I think understandably, that America’s voters may soon elect a physical and possibly cognitive basket case as commander in chief.
She whines that “ageism and sexism can combine in a double whammy undermining her candidacy.”
So, Clinton, 68, isn’t sick. You’re a knuckle-dragging, misogynistic, ageist creep if you think so.
Were it only Clift who felt that way. The Clinton Chick Protection Racket is working double-time.
Last month, BC — Before the Collapse — Glamour magazine declared: “Yes, It’s Sexist to Speculate About Hillary Clinton’s Health.” Now, AC, it’s gotten worse. My Facebook feed is littered with crazed dames and dumb dudes writing stuff such as, “The Media Owe Hillary Clinton an Apology.” For expecting her to do something completely alien to her DNA: tell the truth? Stunning.
On CNN, Christiane Amanpour was in full-throttle go-grrrl mode. “Can’t a girl have a sick day or two?” the show hostess and lead international correspondent said Monday.
Leftist writer Leela Daou combined estrogen defense with another liberal obsession. “What we REALLY should be talking about is why it’s so damn hot on a September morning,” she tweeted, suggesting that Clinton’s quest to halt climate change would save not only herself but frisky polar bears.
“I have to say I think there’s an element of sexism in how this is being over-covered at this point,” Jill Abramson said on the BBC. New York Times readers who long for the truth may breathe a sigh of relief — she was ousted as the paper’s executive editor in 2014.
What gets me is how eager those on the left are to give Hillary a pass for covering updetails about her questionable health while slamming her critics as enemies trying to block the door of the White House to a woman. But it’s not any woman — just this deceitful one.
She was whisked from a ceremony commemorating the 15th anniversary of 9/11 in New York City Sunday at around 9:30 a.m., in obvious medical distress. But Clinton avoided going to an emergency room as Secret Service protocol dictates, The Post reported, out of fear of media leaks about her condition. Instead, she went to the Manhattan apartment shared by daughter Chelsea Clinton, her hubby, Marc Mezvinsky, and their two kids. Just before noon, she emerged into daylight, waved her arms and crowed, weirdly, “I’m feeling great. Great. It’s a beautiful day in New York,” and put her hands on the shoulders of a random little girl — apparently forgetting that it was still the anniversary of one of the darkest chapters in United States history.
‘Hillary Clinton rejoined the campaign trail Thursday after taking a break. And I’ll continue to ask — what the hell is wrong with her?’
(After delivering that weather report, I wouldn’t blame her if she said she was replaced by a body double, as conspiracy theorists claim.)
Team Hillary first announced that she was “overheated.” Hours later, her personal doctor revealed that she was diagnosed with non-contagious bacterial pneumonia — not the virulent viral kind — two days earlier, but kept this quiet. Only a frightening video showing a stumbling Clinton virtually being lifted into a van by two Secret Service agents gives the public a clue as to what the hell is going on with Clinton’s body.
“I just didn’t think it was going to be that big a deal,” she said on CNN about the pneumonia diagnosis.
What about her coughing fits? And her history of fainting? A 2012 pass-out, when she served as secretary of state, caused a concussion and a blood clot to form in her head.
The most aggravating aspect of Healthgate or Grandmagate or — as Clinton’s camp might call it — Nothing-to-See-Heregate, is that the vast left-wing conspiracy has decided that even wondering aloud about the physical soundness of the woman who would be the most powerful person in the free world is sexist. Hillary Clinton rejoined the campaign trail Thursday after taking a break. And I’ll continue to ask — what the hell is wrong with her?
We could be stuck with this woman for quite some time.