Tuesday February 18, 2025

Perverts Roman Polanski and Bill Cosby tangled in political double standard Hillary and Carly are putting on a pathetic estrogen spectacle Come on, cut Scientologists a break
Quentin Tarantino's anti-cop protest built on a series of lies Taxpayers should not be funding this anti-American hate-spewer Count out Bernie Sanders at your own peril
I was spiritually deceived by witchcraft Why it's time to kick Barbie to the curb Earth to Matt Damon, it's 2015!
Brooklyn school battle not so 'black and white' Homeless city workers are a national embarrassment Looks like America agrees with Ben Carson’s anti-Muslim stance
Pope Francis changed the world with a simple question Carly Fiorina terrifies me Kim Davis a martyr for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses
America is being bullied into sympathizing with 9/11 attackers Weiner weighs-in on topless Times Square debate Kelly Rutherford's children need their mom
Take 'Straight Outta Compton' with a grain of salt Hillary refuses to take responsibility for her actions Why big-shot husbands will always chase the nanny
Trump's haters need to man up and deal Cecil the lion mourners are really just phonies Bums are running amok in New York City and it needs to stop
Is Bill Cosby really a 'rapist,' or has the definition just changed? Misty Copeland's tough balancing act De-stress in a tank full of water? Give me coffee and booze instead
Holly Madison does not deserve our sympathy Justin Combs needs to man-up and stop hiding behind his dad Meet the 'two-minute man' CEO's chief enabler - his wife
Why we need a President Trump Brian Williams is still a liar and needs to get off our TVs Treat Mr. Mom right - or else he'll cheat on you
Push for kids to choose gender identities too early could backfire The tragedy of Kalief Browder must never happen again Dear spouses, stop cheating on each other - for the kids
Holly Madison does not deserve our sympathy Justin Combs needs to man-up and stop hiding behind his dad Meet the 'two-minute man' CEO's chief enabler - his wife
Why we need a President Trump Brian Williams is still a liar and needs to get off our TVs Treat Mr. Mom right - or else he'll cheat on you
Push for kids to choose gender identities too early could backfire The tragedy of Kalief Browder must never happen again Dear spouses, stop cheating on each other - for the kids
Bernie Sanders' rape-fantasy essay reveals left-wing hypocrisy NYPD's $60K dance studio not going over well Bring Kelly Rutherford's kids home!
Celebrity moms need to start covering up their goods The chaos of a de Blasio presidency Isiah Thomas has no business running the Liberty
Princess Charlotte a breath of fresh 'heir' Ex-FDNY commissioner: 'de Blasio is a disaster' Glen Campbell's blues
Brangelina changing the world, one child at a time Mindy Kaling's brother illustrates flaws of affirmative action ESPN's Britt McHenry a 'sorry excuse' for a human being
Humble hero Jordan Spieth of real 'par'-agon of virtue Celebrity tattoos and the danger of regret 'Feminist' Hillary Clinton is simply a fool
Shows like 'Black-ish' perpetuate racist stereotypes Why is Robert Durst smiling? Laurence Fishburne’s mother says she’s facing eviction
C'mon, just excuse Dolce & Gabbana Dear Hollywood actors, shave off your beards! Desperate New Yorkers to live in glorified shoe boxes
Desperate New Yorkers to live in glorified shoe boxes Why Patricia Arquette’s call to arms is bogus When my friend John became Jennifer
Anti-vaxxers can go stick it I don't regret my office romance and neither should you Don't count Brian Williams out just yet
Obama snubs Auschwitz memorial event Obama snubs Auschwitz memorial event Sheldon Silver gave horndogs free rein
It's time for Prince Andrew to man-up Leftists take cheap shots at American Sniper's real-life hero George Clooney has a problem - and it's Amal
Marky Ramone dishes on bandmates in new memoir Camille Cosby is the 'Ninny of the Year' Camille Cosby is the 'Ninny of the Year'
Patriotic movies get snubbed by Hollywood Patriotic movies get snubbed by Hollywood Questions remain over Cat Stevens' connections to radical Muslims
The rich women who consider themselves as broke as bag ladies Bill Cosby should have gone down as a loser Bill Cosby should have gone down as a loser
Bill Cosby should have gone down as a loser The hypocrisy of the de Blasio administration Black women face the taboo of interracial dating
Kardashian, Lopez, Minaj bring pride to asses everywhere Couple fined for refusing to host same-sex wedding on their farm Republicans welcome grand ol' gals with open arms
We should respect terminally ill woman’s choice to die A catcall crisis? That’s a hoot You kids are getting screwed — and not in the good way
Fiddling as hatred burns Fiddling as hatred burns The Department of Defense is prepared for a zombie attack
Double-standard allows soccer star Hope Solo to stay in the game Double-standard allows soccer star Hope Solo to stay in the game Brooklyn Tech HS should have known about perv teacher
Emma Watson has the wrong idea about feminism Formerly morbidly obese woman now a svelte fitness trainer Put a hard brake on heartless speed demons
The Met Opera's new musical celebration ‘promoting bigotry' The Met Opera’s new musical celebration ‘promoting bigotry’ Manhattan publicist Tracey Kahn, 51, is pregnant with her second child, due in February.
Janay and Ray Rice Cops losing morale over reaction to deaths Andrea Peyser, NY Post: My brush with Nelson Mandela
The creepy rise of artificial intelligence Kids more likely to die outside of hot cars vs. leaving them in one 'Rape culture' leads to manhunts on campus
Shows like 'Black-ish' perpetuate racist stereotypes Why is Robert Durst smiling? Laurence Fishburne’s mother says she’s facing eviction
C'mon, just excuse Dolce & Gabbana Dear Hollywood actors, shave off your beards! Desperate New Yorkers to live in glorified shoe boxes
'Rape culture' leads to manhunts on campus Al Sharpton just isn't my type The celebrities risking worldwide scorn by supporting Israel
Times Square's costumed menaces are the new squeegee men Nuclear (family) alarm! Georgina and her father Michael Bloomberg attend a gala event at The Waldorf-Astoria in 2010. Cheryl Hines and RFK Jr. need all the luck they can get
Tatum O’Neal’s sad, twisted family affair Bethenny Frankel’s sickening pose in 4-year-old’s clothes Unborn child faces uncertain fate in Sherri Shepherd’s divorce war
Monica Lewinsky’s new brand: professional victim Monica Lewinsky’s new brand: professional victim 'Cannibal Cop' has been fantasizing about good meals, too
Chelsea Clinton’s wealth can’t buy her class Chen Guangbiao spent the day patting himself on the back for feeding 200 homeless at the swanky Loeb Boathouse in Central Park on Wednesday.. Photo: Gregory P. Mango Ireland Baldwin and Angel Haz
Superdad’s tireless quest to help his daughter Another role model down as Rihanna bares all in dress Emma Thompson is lecturing working moms
Sex changes all the rage — and taxpayers are footing the bill Sex changes all the rage — and taxpayers are footing the bill Don’t feel sorry for the overpaid, self-pitying Jill Abramson
Hillary Clinton will face questions on her age Hilaria can have you, Alec Baldwin: Alec Baldwin talks to the police outside his home in November. Photo: INFphoto.com Husbands, beware of wives’ post-Mother’s Day stray
Let’s face it: Katie Couric is old news Monica Lewinsky should shut up and go away Shaq’s apology to disabled fan not good enough
Sterling has long been an unaddressed disgrace to NBA 'I always wanted breasts' — boob job a girl's dream come true Dunst receives fury for feminine comments in Bazaar
Dunst receives fury for feminine comments in Bazaar Scarlett Johansson in a Super Bowl ad for SodaStream. Making eateries ‘squeaky’ clean
Fiddling as hatred burns Fiddling as hatred burns The Department of Defense is prepared for a zombie attack
Double-standard allows soccer star Hope Solo to stay in the game Double-standard allows soccer star Hope Solo to stay in the game Brooklyn Tech HS should have known about perv teacher
Oscar Pistorius’ pathetic display at his own trial is sickening Knitted boyfriend substitutes are ‘hot’ stuff Trespassers at 1 WTC are a warning to the public
Gwyneth Paltrow’s split announcement is nutty The chief operating officer (COO) of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg reacts during a session at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 25, 2014. NJ teen Rachel Canningtook her dad and mom to court in a bid to get them to pay up for her education. The 18-year-old says she was kicked out of the house and cut off, but her parents say the wild child left on her own.
Mayor Bill De Blasio with VICTORY: Kerry Kennedy leaves court with daughter Cara and mom Ethel after being cleared of drugged driving Friday.
Photo: Robert Kalfus Kerry Kennedy leaving court on Tuesday.
The creepy rise of artificial intelligence Kids more likely to die outside of hot cars vs. leaving them in one 'Rape culture' leads to manhunts on campus
'Rape culture' leads to manhunts on campus Al Sharpton just isn't my type The celebrities risking worldwide scorn by supporting Israel
Times Square's costumed menaces are the new squeegee men Nuclear (family) alarm! Georgina and her father Michael Bloomberg attend a gala event at The Waldorf-Astoria in 2010. Cheryl Hines and RFK Jr. need all the luck they can get
Tatum O’Neal’s sad, twisted family affair Bethenny Frankel’s sickening pose in 4-year-old’s clothes Unborn child faces uncertain fate in Sherri Shepherd’s divorce war
Monica Lewinsky’s new brand: professional victim Monica Lewinsky’s new brand: professional victim 'Cannibal Cop' has been fantasizing about good meals, too
Kerry Kennedy (center) holds her daughter Micheala Kennedy (left) along with sister Rory Kennedy. Kerry Kennedy with her mother Ethel and brother Douglas leave the White Plains Westchester County N.. Courthouse Monday Feb 24, 2014 during lunch recess. Andrea Peyser, NY Post: RFK Jr goes to bat for sister Kerry ahead of drugged driving trial
Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Justice a bitter pill in Camelot Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Al Gore's global-warming rhetoric is put on ice Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Horace Mann overboard
Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Philip Seymour Hoffman cast as a victim of 'disease' Andrea Peyser, NY Post: It's time for Mia Farrow to let go of hatred for Woody Andrea Peyser, NY Post: 50 years after The Beatles' historic ‘Ed Sullivan' debut
Andrea Peyser, NY Post: >With Super Bowl in town, sex trade's got 'game' Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Fed up in the land of swine and cheese Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Inside Jewrotica's Sexiest Rabbis of 2013&
Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Gays should embrace, not mock, bisexual Brit Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Melissa Mark-Viverito: A millionaire hypocrite who will ruin NYC Andrea Peyser, NY Post: Melissa Mark-Viverito: A millionaire hypocrite who will ruin NYC

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