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Celebs' constant Trump bashing ruining awards season
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By Andrea Peyser
February 3, 2017

Celebs' constant Trump bashing ruining awards season

This awards season is just getting revved up. And already, the entertainment-industrial complex, dominated by self-congratulatory leftists, hard-core exhibitionists and gazillionaires and –airesses, some in get-ups that would set back ordinary Joes or Janes a year’s worth of rent money, have issued a collective punch to the guts of folks at home.

No longer is it about inspiring the masses with exceptional talent and artistic beauty. It’s all Trump-bashing, all the time.

Sunday’s Screen Actors Guild Awards soiree got off to a rollicking start as presenter Ashton Kutcher declared, to furious applause from the echo chamber, “Good evening, fellow SAG-AFTRA members and everyone at home — and everyone in airports that belong in my America.”

Viewers had barely digested the rant when Julia Louis-Dreyfus ascended the stage to collect a statue for “Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor (seriously) in a Comedy Series’’ for her starring role in “Veep.’’

“I want you all to know that I’m the daughter of an immigrant. My father fled religious persecution in Nazi-occupied France. And I’m an American patriot and I love this country. And because I love this country, I am horrified by its blemishes. And this immigrant ban is its blemish and it’s un-American.”

Stars have taken to carpets and stages not only to slam the president and, by extension, Hollywood’s premier bogeymen: political conservatives, some of the gals sashay in various stages of undress.

It seems no coincidence that this year, there’s been a noticeable increase in the number of plunging necklines and mammary-exposing gowns, not to mention designer versions of the pussy hats prevalent in post-inauguration women’s marches.

I’ve taken to lunging for the remote to spare my family a forced anatomy lesson.

The SAG protest went viral pre-showtime, with “The Big Bang Theory’’ TV actor Simon Helberg wandering the red carpet carrying a sign reading “REFUGEES WELCOME.’’ His wife, Jocelyn Towne, turned her body into a canvas, declaring her disgust with the president’s immigration policy by scrawling “LET THEM IN’’ in marker on her upper chest.

One can agree with Hollywood’s opposition to all things Trump, and still grow weary of the incessant noise.

Even those who stand ideologically with the elite mob are tiring of ceaseless lectures by celebs who fail to represent the millions of church-, synagogue- and mosque-going folks among us.

In my household, we turn on the tube or spend extortionate sums formovie tickets as a means of escape. So my family members groaned aloud.

Last month as Meryl Streep delivered a sermon from her glitzy soapbox while accepting a lifetime-achievement award at the Globes, essentially shaming Trump supporters for unleashing evil upon the world.

It’s been said that Hollywood has grown increasingly irrelevant, its denizens far removed from the people they serve. In late November, after Trump pulled off his upset presidential victory, “Patriots Day’’ movie star Mark Wahlberg said in an interview with the veterans affairs Web site Task & Purpose that Hollywood types living “in a bubble’’ should keep their yaps shut on matters of politics.

“They’re pretty out of touch with the common person, the everyday guy out there providing for their family.”

Then Matthew McConaughey dared cross Hollywood’s anti-Trump line.

Promoting his film “Gold’’ on the BBC Sunday, he said about the president that “it’s time for us to embrace, shake hands with this fact and be constructive with him over the next four years.”

The New York Times spanked him on Thursday with a headline, “Matthew McConaughey Lectures Hollywood on Trump, and Breitbart Pounces.’’ It ran over a story complaining that the conservative Breitbart Web site took his words, better off forgotten, and spread them far and wide.

I predict that leftist political statements will continue to be front and center at the Grammys, the Oscars and whatever awards ceremonies are coming up.

Call me a deplorable, but I’m with Wahlberg and McConaughey. I, for one, will be tuning out.

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