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Liberal media can't fathom a black, conservative president
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By Andrea Peyser
November 13, 2015

Liberal media can't fathom a black, conservative president

This is Swiftboating 101.

In the eyes of the liberal media, Dr. Ben Carson has transformed from a mealy-mouthed retired pediatric neurosurgeon into the direst threat facing this nation today: a black Republican who could become president.

This means one thing. Reporters must put the uppity Dr. Carson, 64, in his place.

To the vast left-wing conspiracy, the good doc exhibits extreme chutzpah — simultaneously bearing black skin and being a conservative.

How dare an African-American, an educated, accomplished, evangelical Christian, think for himself?

Well, he won’t be taken down easily.

Exhibiting a fire that I haven’t seen from him before, Dr. Carson Tuesday night blasted critics for spreading lies “being put out there as truth.’’ At the televised Republican presidential candidates’ debate, he took aim at the double-standard protecting a serial fibber, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, 68.

He said this about Clinton’s account of the deadly 2012 terrorist attacks on American diplomatic compounds in Benghazi, Libya, which occurred on her watch as US secretary of state:

“When I look at somebody like Hillary Clinton, who sits there and tells her daughter and a government official that ‘No, this was a terrorist attack,’ and then tells everybody else that it was [triggered by] a video, where I come from, they call that a lie.’’ Go Ben!

Dr. Carson has been ripped — unfairly — for his claim, made in his 1990 autobiography,“Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story,’’ that in 1969, Army bigwigs offered him a “full scholarship’’ to the United States Military Academy at West Point.

The account was “fabricated,’’ Politico initially shrieked. Huh?

Dialing back the reckless report into oblivion, the Web site not only removed the “fabricated’’ claim from its story, it acknowledged that scholarships are never awarded at West Point; there’s just a requirement that grads perform military service. Dr. Carson has never said, written or emitted smoke signals asserting that he applied to West Point, as Politico suggested. At most, he mistook an offer for a free education as a “full scholarship,’’ but didn’t pursue it.

Just as pathetic is CNN’s attempt to prove that Dr. Carson, who grew up poor in Detroit, pretended to be a badass teen. He’s said and written that, as a 14-year-old ninth-grader, he tried to hit his mom over the head with a hammer in an argument over clothes, that he smashed classmates’ faces with a rock and a lock, and that he once attempted to stab someone in a fight over which station they’d listen to on the radio, but the knife hit the youth’s belt buckle instead.

Aside from his apparently rotten aim, it boggles the mind that reporters from the TV news network interviewed nine people who may (or may not) have known Dr. Carson five decades ago. None could remember him being violent. Some scoop.

Dr. Carson is a threat because he leads Donald Trump in some polls of Republican voters. In one jarring survey, he leads Clinton among all voters in Michigan!
In recent days, I’ve seen these stories regurgitated, like iffy pieces of fish:

  • Dr. Carson compared the US to Nazi Germany last year, because the government uses the IRS to intimidate people. More recently, he said Jews could have defeated the Nazis during the Holocaust if they’d been armed. He also said two years ago that ObamaCare is the worst thing “since slavery.” I would say the doctor is guilty not of being offensive, but rhetorically lazy. Nazis and slavery were evil? Duh.
  • He floated the theory — 17 years ago, and stood by it last week — that the Egyptian pyramids were not built as tombs for pharaohs, but were constructed by the biblical figure Joseph to store grain. How insulting. To ancient Egyptians.
  • A painting seen in his Maryland house last year — first spotted by a magazine reporter who profiled him in 2009 — shows a depiction of Dr. Carson, a Seventh Day Adventist, sitting next to the image of a smiling Jesus Christ. The creepy picture may not be this Jew’s cup of java, but I can think of worse people Dr. Carson could pose alongside. (Lefty reporters?)

Dr. Ben Carson sprang into national popularity in September after he expressed a decidedly politically incorrect view. He said he did not think that a Muslim should be elected president. Since then, his poll numbers, and fund-raising, have shot through the roof.

Now he’s the left’s No. 1 bogeyman. He should be proud.

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